Code of Conduct

Section I > Introduction

The following outlines the general expectations for all members of medical department. Medical personnel are expected to follow the rules and regulations detailed in this document while on-site or in any official Medical Department Discord server. Failure to abide by and meet any of the expectations in this document can and will result in punishment. 


Section II > Punishments

The following is a list of punishments that command members may issue. All punishments marked with a * are logged and go on ones permanent record. If a member of MD feels a punishment was unfair, they may send a ticket or contact the appeals team within the central Paragon Discord Server.

Light Infractions

Moderate Infractions

Severe Infraction

Section III > On-Site Expectations

On-site expectations apply in the Roblox game “Paragon Research Institute”, while on the “Medical Department” team.

a. Not using grammar while performing official duties falls under unprofessionalism.  

a. Hostiles are considered Class-D personnel, and GRU-P.

b. Placing down medkits and leaving them falls under this infraction.

a. Incorrectly applying a medical item without remorse and fixing the problem falls under this.

a. This means that you may not intentionally stay on the team for more than 15 minutes while away from your device.

a. Usage of hazmat suits outside of written conditions is prohibited.

b. All regulations and specifications stated in the Procedure Overview tab must be followed.

a. You will not be punished for following orders from a Council member.

a. Violation of the hippocratic oath.

b. Mistreatment of anomalies or personnel

c. Abuse of medical tools to maliciously cause harm.

Section IV > Equipment Regulations


The Medkit is a placeable object which carries all the supplies you need to perform duties: 

The number of items of each type is stated next to the item, once an item runs out, you must refill your medkit at a first aid station

Medical Exam

The Medical Exam is used to check the vitals of a patient. To use it, click on your intended patient.

It shows what injuries the patient has, and where. You should not be randomly examining players unless given permission.

Please note: in the exam, the patient is facing towards you, as indicated by the eyes.

Bandages, tourniquets & splints

Do not use on the head or torso.

Do not use on the head or torso.

Field Dressing

The Field Dressing stops any bleeding and will increase health regen for 15 seconds when applied. (5 uses)


The defibrillator is used to revive downed players. Press ‘Q’ and click on the mid-torso of the downed patient, and they will be stabilized.

You may use the defibrillator on a DFSC Class-D if SD are ready to cuff them upon revival.

Hazmat Suit

The hazmat suit is an anti-hazard protection-wear. You may use this if there is a 409/008 breach or you are attending a biohazardous test.

Section V > Discord Expectations

These expectations apply to any officially recognized Medical Department Discord server. Any violation of these rules will be reported to moderation, and violators will be penalized in accordance with the standards set in the central Paragon server.

Section VI > Private Server Regulations

Although the Ethics Committee does not directly enforce the Code of Ethics in the Medical Department private server, you are still required to adhere to the guidelines outlined below, which have been established by, and will be enforced by, Medical Command. These apply to all personnel within the private server, including Medical Command.

The following regulations apply at all times. No party within the department has the authority to dismiss them.

When alone in the Medical Department private server:

When you are in the Medical Department private server with other members:

Command Guidelines:

O5 Council


Engineering & Technical Services

Logistics Department

Lore Department


Manufacturing Department

Ethics Committee

Audit & Accountability Committee

Internal Tribunal Department


Section VII > Location Restrictions

Sublevel-3 (SL-3)

Sublevel-4 (SL-4)

Medical Bay (Medbay)

Combative Elevator

Sublevel-5 (SL-5)

Medical Outpost (MO)

Inner Class-D-Containment Zone (CDC)

The Inner Class-D Containment Zone is considered a location of importance and danger,  holding Class-D.

Sublevel-6 (SL-6)

A link is attached to the image to enlarge. 

Section IX > Closing Statements

The Medical Code of Conduct was created to prevent those in the Medical Department with malicious intentions from corrupting/harming the entirety of the Medical Department. All members of the Medical Department are highly encouraged to thoroughly review and understand this document so that they may abide by it and recognize when others are not.

Approved & Enforced by 

Medical Central Command