Section 1 > Equipment
The Medkit is a placeable object which carries all the supplies you need to perform your duties.
Once an item runs out, you must refill your medkit at a first aid station.
Medkit Locations
Civil Sector
The Hamilton Office Complex
The Medical Wing
The Examination Room
The Scientific Wing
The JFK Administrative Complex
The Military Police Jails
The Ethics Office
The Internal Security Wing
The Administrative Meeting Area
The Administrative Shelter
The Pit
Entrance Checkpoint
Medium Containment Zone Checkpoint
Heavy Containment Zone Checkpoint x2
Heavy Containment Entrance
The Class-D Containment Zone
The Tram Station
The Infirmary
Fire Extinguisher
The Fire Extinguisher can be used to stop fire from spreading or to put out a patient that is on fire.
These should only be grabbed during emergencies by the Emergency Medical Services or certain protocols.
Fire Extinguisher Locations
Civil Sector
The Hamilton Office Complex
The Scientific Wing - Clean Rooms Checkpoint
The Class-D Containment Zone
The Tram Station entrance
The Stairwell exiting the tram station
The Security Outpost
Medical Exam
The Medical Exam is used to check the vitals of a patient.
Click on the intended patient to see their vitals.
While viewing the exam, please note that the patient is facing toward you, as indicated by the eyes.
Bandage are used to treat YELLOW injuries.
Bandages may be used on the head or torso.
Tourniquets are used to treat ORANGE injuries.
Tourniquets may NOT be used on the head or torso.
Splints are used to treat RED injuries.
Splint may NOT be used on the head or torso.
Field Dressing
Field Dressings are used to stop any weapon inflicted bleeding.
The Defibrillator is used to revive downed players.
Press Q to charge the defibrillator.
Once charged, click on the torso of the downed patient.
Hazmat Suit
Hazmat Suits are used as anti-hazard protective-wear against biohazardous agents such as 409, 008, and etc.
Ambulances are not an equip-able tool but instead a vehicle used by the Emergency Medical Services to transport themselves and patients around the site. When the Emergency Medical Services are unable to fill all seats in the ambulance, medical personnel are permitted to ride in the Ambulance.
Carry is not an equip-able tool, instead when someone is downed for forty seconds or more a prompt will appear to carry them. Personnel can carry them to safety or to a stretcher.
Section 2 > Response Hierarchy
Follow this treatment priority chart to ensure that the most critical patients are treated first, based on their health condition
Site Director +
Critical condition (0-50 HP)
Moderate condition (50-75)
Stable condition (75-100)
Section 3 > Duties
Medical Appointments
The general duty of the Medical Department; appointments offer a wide array of medical procedures for you to choose from, adding a diverse experience for all of medical personnel and patients.
Medical Staffing
The primary responsibility of medical personnel is to staff important areas of the site, such as the medical outpost and medical bay, and provide medical care.
Each 30 minutes spent on-site performing any medical duties will reward medical personnel with 10 medical credits.
To verify their time, they must provide screenshots showing the start and end times.
Acceptable ways to track time include taking screenshots of activity logs before logging on and after logging off the team.
Volunteer Program
As part of the Class-D rehabilitation and activities program, the Medical Department allows Class-Ds to work in the Medical Outpost and station elsewhere on the site. Medical personnel may request for Class-Ds to work alongside them and be used as assistants.
Medical personnel who participate by requesting medical volunteers will receive 15 medical credits per Class D.
You must screenshot yourself with the CD with the start time and end time.
Acceptable ways to track time include using the radio time, or taking screenshots of activity logs before logging on and after logging off the team.
There is a max limit of 6 CD volunteering at any one time.
The Class-D will either stay in the Medical Outpost or be stationed where they are needed around the site.
The Class-D can be taken for patrols to seek out injured personnel.
A patrol can be conducted once every 10 minutes.
A patrol with a more than 2 Class-D requires an extra combative.
Once the volunteer wants to leave or the medical personnel dismiss them, they must be paid using the /reward command on the terminal. The rubric for the ratings is below.
The volunteer must return their uniforms and equipment before heading back to the CDCZ.
Request on the “Request” radio channel.
“Requesting X Class-D for medical volunteer work”
Senior Physicians may request 3 Class-D
Physicians may request 2 Class-D
Residents may request 1 Class-D
Wait for combatives to respond and to move the Class-D to the medical outpost.
The Class D(s') will be disarmed.
Once the Class-D arrive, a combative will be posted inside or near the outpost.
In order for Class-D to get their appropriate items, they must enter the medical outpost and find the locker by the combative elevator wall to gain access to the volunteer uniform and a medkit.
The volunteer will be responsible for dealing with less critical patients and applying field dressings.
Test Escorting
Medical personnel ranking Nurse and above may escort scientific department tests if they have permission from the researcher conducting the test in case any personnel are to get injured during the test. In order to escort a cleanrooms and Light containment zone test you must be a Nurse, to escort a Medium containment zone test you must be a Resident, and to escort an Heavy containment zone test you must be a Physician.
Medical personnel may not escort during a riot, breach, or raid.
Medical personnel may not escort if requested elsewhere by a Senior Physician.
Medical personnel may not interfere or interrupt the test purposefully.
Medical personnel, if urgently needed somewhere, must be prepared to report to said location.
Medical personnel must ask permission to escort the test from the test host and promptly meet with the test host outside of the first checkpoint within The Pit.
Medical personnel who wish to receive credits are required to take two screenshots, one at the start and one at the end, to prove their attendance.
Medical Personnel are required to follow the Certain Death Principle.
Any personnel afflicted by an SCP-related injury, means imminent death. We have to keep the security of our assets and the safety of other foundation personnel in mind when treating people who have gone through scientific testing.
Section 4 > Site Protocols
Site protocols are on-site events activated via on-site Terminals located around the site.
The Site is operating normally and medical personnel are to conduct regular duties.
The Class-D-Containment Zone is starting to become unstable.
Medical Students must vacate from the infirmary.
The Class-D-Containment Zone has been lost by combatives and the Medical Outpost is dangerous to operate.
All Medical Personnel except Physicians, and Emergency Medical Services must evacuate to the Civil Sector.
Medical Personnel possessing the Emergency Assistance Certification may assist when requested.
Emergency Medical Services may order base Medical Personnel during riots.
The breach protocol is activated when an anomaly has breached.
Medical Personnel must report to the breach shelter immediately, unless otherwise instructed to by combatives or an authoritative body.
Emergency Medical Services or Lead Physicians+ may respond to any medical emergencies as long as they do not jeopardize containment or interfere.
This means that they may leave the breach shelter or Civil Sector at any time for a valid medical emergency such as supporting the CDC, and etc.
The raid protocol is activated when hostile entities against the foundation have entered the site.
Emergency Medical Services have priority of the situation, and may direct medical personnel on where to station or how to help.
Lethal Gas
The lethal gas protocol is activated when the site is unsavable.
Medical Personnel are to report to the breach shelter.
The blackout protocol is activated when a riot is uncontrollable or a malfunction in Paragon’s electrical units has occurred.
Medical Personnel are to pair up with one flashlight holder or report to an area with light.
Section 5 > Medical Codes
Medical personnel utilize medical codes to communicate between each other regarding the current status of the site, and this section explains what each code means and how to respond to it.
Emergency Medical Services members may call these codes without meeting the rank requirements in the base group.
Code Violet (C-VIO) - Resident+
There is a presence of hostiles in an area, and medical personnel should take shelter.
"Code Violet has been declared, all medical personnel located at [ AREA] must take shelter."
Code Blue (C-BLU) - Physician+
There is an active medical emergency and medical personnel should respond to assist.
"Code Blue has been declared, medical personnel should respond to [AREA]."
Code Red (C-RED) - Physician+
Medical personnel are required to vacate to a safe area.
"Code Red has been declared, medical personnel are to vacate [AREA]."
Code Yellow (C-YEL) - Senior Physician+
Medical personnel who have access to hazmat protection are required to wear them, and personnel who do not have access must evacuate to a safe area.
"Code Yellow has been declared, medical personnel are to wear hazmat protective gear."
Code Black (C-BLA) - Senior Physician+
All Medical Personnel are required to report to the said area despite restrictions set by medical department guidelines and assist with medical care.
"Code Black has been declared, all medical personnel MUST report to [AREA]"
Section 6 > Concluding Statement
The procedure overview exists to ensure that medical personnel are capable and confident when conducting MD duties. Members of the department are expected to be familiar with the procedures outlined here.
Approved & Enforced by
Medical Command