
Section 1 > Equipment

Medical Exam

The Medical Exam is used to check the vitals of a patient. To use it, click on your intended patient.

It shows what injuries the patient has, and where. 


The Medkit is a placeable object which carries all the supplies you need to perform duties.

The number of items of each type is stated next to the item, once an item runs out, you must refill your medkit at a first aid station


The Bandage is used for any injuries and for YELLOW limbs (torso & head). Click on the upper portion of the limb, or the center of the afflicted midsection. (5 uses)


The Tourniquet is used for any ORANGE injuries, click on the upper portion of the afflicted limb. (5 uses)

Do not use on the head or torso.


The Splint is for any RED injuries, click on the upper portion of the afflicted limb. (5 uses)

Do not use on the head or torso.

Field Dressing

The Field Dressing stops any weapon inflicted bleeding and will increase health regen for 15 seconds when applied. (5 uses)


The defibrillator is used to revive downed players. Press ‘Q’ and click on the mid-torso of the downed patient, and they will be stabilized.

Hazmat Suit

The hazmat suit is an anti-hazard protection-wear. You may use this if there is a 409/008 breach or you are attending a biohazardous test.

Section 2 > Response Hierarchy

Follow the hierarchy whenever treating an injured patient or wound. The following diagram shows who should be treated first at the top, with an arrow signifying the next condition which needs to be treated.

SiD+ (First to be treated if requested.)


High risk (Patient HP is very low.)


Medium risk (Patient HP is medium.)


Low risk (Patient HP is decent.)

Section 3 > Duties

Medical Appointments

The general duty of the Medical Department; appointments offer a wide array of medical procedures for you to choose from, adding a diverse experience for all of medical personnel and patients. 

Medical Staffing

The primary responsibility of medical personnel is to staff the medical outpost, and when full, to then staff the medical bay if necessary or any location that needs medical assistance.

Volunteer Program

As part of the Class-D rehabilitation and activities program, the Medical Department allows Class-Ds to work in the Medical Outpost and station elsewhere on the site. Medical personnel may request for Class-Ds to work alongside them and be used as assistants. 


1-3 Rating

3-6 Rating

6-10 Rating

Test Escorting

Medical personnel ranking Nurse and above may escort scientific department tests if they have permission from the researcher conducting the test in case any personnel are to get injured during the test. In order to escort a cleanrooms/medium containment zone test you must be a Nurse, and to escort an HCZ test you must be a Resident.



Seminars play an important role in educating facility personnel about medically relevant topics, such as its history or ongoing studies. Seminars can be conducted on a wide range of topics, as long as they are medically related. Seminars can be hosted by Physicians and cohosted by Residents and everyone is welcome to attend

Section 4 > Site Protocols

Site protocols are on-site events activated via on-site Terminals located around the site. 


The Site is operating normally and medical personnel are to conduct regular duties.


The Class-D-Containment Zone is starting to become unstable. 


The Class-D-Containment Zone has been lost by combatives and the Medical Outpost is dangerous to operate.

Medical personnel under the rank of Physician must vacate to sublevel 4.


The breach protocol is activated when an anomaly has breached. 


The raid protocol is activated when hostile entities against the foundation have entered the site. 

Lethal Gas

The lethal gas protocol is activated when the site is unsavable. 


The blackout protocol is activated when a riot is uncontrollable or a malfunction in Paragon’s electrical units has occurred. 

Section 5 > Medical Codes

Emergency codes are used to inform medical personnel of the current state of the site and where or how to respond to that current state. The standard codes are as follows:

Code Purple (C-PPL) - On-site emergency but does not concern medical personnel as of yet, stay prepared to be called in to support.

Ex: “Code Purple (or C-PPL) in Sublevel-6”

Rank Authorization: Resident+

Code Blue (C-B) - Request for medical backup in a said location.

Ex: “Code Blue (or C-B) in CDC Transfers”

Rank Authorization: Resident+

Code Red (C-R) - Immediate evacuation of medical personnel from a said location.

Ex: “Code Red (or C-R) in Sublevel-5”

Rank Authorization: Physician+

All Clear - The emergency code is no longer in effect, medical personnel are to return to what they were originally doing. 

Section 6 > Concluding Statement

The procedure overview exists to ensure that medical personnel are capable and confident when conducting MD duties. Members of the department are expected to be familiar with the procedures outlined here. 

Approved & Enforced by 

Medical Command