Frequently Asked Questions
Medical Department
What does the Medical Department do?
The Medical Department's job is to maintain the personal well-being of site personnel. This is done through appointments such as checkups, or attending to the wounded at the infirmary.
How do I join the Medical Department?
Pass an application for the Medical Department within the Application Center.
How do I contact Medical Command?
You can contact Medical Command by joining Paragon's main Discord server, creating a ticket in #open-a-ticket under "Department Tickets," and clicking the Medical Department option. You will then be prompted to fill out a pop-up. Please type as much relevant information as possible and attach evidence. Afterward, a member of the medical command will respond.
Emergency Medical Services
What does the Emergency Medical Services do?
The Emergency Medical Services are the first responders of the medical department onsite, they work as paramedics onsite and can assist in combatives duties that may face life threatening injuries
How do I join the Emergency Medical Services?
To join the Emergency Medical Services you must be in the Medical Department, there are tryouts announced usually every 1-3 months depending on the need of new paramedics or a big wait for them.
You must have attended a medical orientation before entering tryouts.
You must be the rank of Nurse before they finish.