Section 1 > Emergency Assistance Certification
The Emergency Assistance Certification allows medical personnel ranking Nurse and above to assist combatives in dire need by stationing the inner Class-D-Containment Zone or attaching to base SD upon request. Under no circumstances can medical personnel perform such duties without the certification, and if found doing so, they will be subject to harsh punishment.
Rank Restrictions
Senior Physicians
Do not require a certification to enter the CDC or attach to combatives and may do so at any time.
Are permitted to direct and order base medical personnel with reasonable rationale.
Capacity restrictions do not apply.
Emergency Medical Services
Do not require a certification to enter the CDC or attach to combatives and may do so at any time.
Are permitted to direct and order base medical personnel with reasonable rationale.
Capacity restrictions do not apply.
Are required to have a certification to enter the CDC freely or attach to combatives in order to assist only.
Are NOT exempt from capacity restrictions.
Hold priority over Nurses or Resident.
Nurses - Resident
Are required to have a certification to enter further into the CDC or attach and may only enter if requested.
Anyone in the following departments/bodies may request medical personnel to enter the CDC or to attach:
Combative Departments (Security Department & Mobile Task Forces)
Authoritative Bodies (Ethics Committee, Internal Security Department, and Internal Tribunal Department, etc.)
Department Command (Senior Physicians+)
Emergency Medical Services
Are NOT exempt from capacity restrictions
CDC Regulations
A maximum of three (3) medical personnel are allowed in the inner CDC at one time, except under the following conditions:
Protocol Rise is activated, increasing the capacity to four (4) medical personnel.
Protocol Riot is activated, increasing the capacity to five (5) medical personnel.
Additional personnel may enter if requested by combatives for further assistance.
Medical personnel are required to follow combative orders.
Medical personnel are to avoid interfering with combative duties.
This includes hugging walls and staying away during gun fights.
If the combative dies, medical personnel are to find shelter or escape when able.
Medical personnel may not go past the guard line, except under the following conditions:
To heal a Class-D,
To revive a Class-D/Combative, or
When requested.
Attachment Regulations
Medical personnel may attach to combatives when requested, except under the following conditions:
Protocol Riot is activated, or
Protocol Raid is activated.
In the above conditions, Medical Personnel may attach without needing to be request. They however must announce they are attaching to combatives and abide by their request, if they are asked to leave.
Emergency Medical Services are not required to ask to attach to combatives during Normal Protocol.
Medical personnel are required to follow combative orders.
Medical personnel who are not part of the Emergency Medical Services or hold the rank of Senior Physician+ may only attach to base security department personnel.
Medical personnel are to avoid interfering with combative duties.
This includes hugging walls and staying away during gun fights.
If the combative dies, medical personnel are to find shelter or escape when able.
Medical personnel may follow combatives into any area unless otherwise stated by them.
Section 2 > Practitioner Certification
The Practitioner Certification allows medical personnel to perform psychological duties on D Class, foundation personnel, lore actors, or SCPs as outlined in the guidelines. Medical personnel of any rank work towards meeting the certification requirements, but the certification will only be given upon reaching the required rank.
Approved & Enforced by
Medical Command